Joan Cartmell
I don't have any specific memories, nothing bad, but I just had a dream of Sheila last night. She was showing
me her house. It was beautiful. I don't know why I dreamed of her. but I just found out today she passed away.
I' m sorry to find out.
Diane Maxon
I have a great deal of memories of Sheila, even down to teaching me something about laundry that I still use today. And I think of her each time. Wish someone knew the when & how of her passing.
Joan Cartmell
I don't have any specific memories, nothing bad, but I just had a dream of Sheila last night. She was showing
me her house. It was beautiful. I don't know why I dreamed of her. but I just found out today she passed away.
I' m sorry to find out.
Diane Maxon
I have a great deal of memories of Sheila, even down to teaching me something about laundry that I still use today. And I think of her each time. Wish someone knew the when & how of her passing.